Favorite Foods For Birds:
- Nyjer thistle seed
- Cracked corn
- White proso millet
- Meal worms dry/live
- Black oil sunflower seed
- Hulled sunflower seed
- Beef suet
- Fruit: Oranges, Apples, Raisins, Grapes etc...
- Non Dyed Sugar water/nectar - Hummingbirds and other species
- Peanut butter (crunchy and/or creamy with a bird seed mix)
- Walnuts (crushed up)
- Jelly (grape, apple, blackberry) for example
- Unsalted peanuts/nuts
- Striped sunflower seeds
Safflower seed
- Dehydrated papaya, cherries, cranberries
These foods help support:
Egg shell quality and bone strength.
Healthy feathers
Egg health and production
Energy metabolism
Nervous system health
Respiratory system health
Cardiovascular system health